靈鳥裝死 巧出樊籠






The Smart Bird, Pretending to Be Dead,
Cleverly Escapes the Cage

Mastering the method taught, the little bird chirped, "All right! Good method! Now I understand how to get out of the cage!" When the bird saw his owner approaching in the distance, he applied the expedient method. Sticking his legs out straight and closing his eyes, he waited for his owner to come close.

Every day when the owner came home, he always played with this bird that he was so fond of. Talking to it would cheer him up. And so, as usual, upon his return, he first



went to check on his bird. But this time when he looked in the cage he was shocked. He practically burst into tears. Why? His little bird lay on the floor of the cage, unmoving. He couldn't have been more upset if his own son had died. In fact, it's likely that this bird meant even more to him than his son!


生死自由 真出籠計

於是就把籠門打開,將小鳥拿出來放到手上,還是熱呼呼地沒有涼,因為牠是裝死,所以身上的暖氣不會沒有的。這主人把小鳥放在手裏轉著看,嗯!不動了,翻過 來看,掉過來看,看來看去,看牠真像死了似地,但身體還是熱的,只是不喘氣了。於是就把手打開看看。噢!把手一開,你說這隻鸚鵡怎麼樣?牠精神就來了, 噗!噗!飛了!這隻小鳥的出籠計靈了! 可是我們現在都在籠子裏呢!我們這個出籠計怎麼辦?我們人哪,你不要自以


為是自由的,不要誤解自由,說我願意吃就吃,我願意喝酒就喝酒,願意做什麼就做什麼,我不守規矩也可以,這就是自由。這叫誤解自由,真正的自由,要能生死 自由,我願意飛到天空就飛到天空,我願意鑽到地裏就鑽到地裏;你若有這個本事,才是自由,就像那隻小鳥。

Freedom over Birth and Death Comes
When We Truly Escape Our Cage

The owner pulled open the cage door and gently placed the little bird in his hand. It was still warm, not yet cold. In fact, because the bird was only pretending to be dead, of course it retained its body warmth. The owner peeked at the little thing, turning his hand this way and that. The bird didn't even quiver. Whatever angle he viewed it from, the bird appeared to be really dead. Its body was still warm; only its breath seemed to have stopped. Slowly he open his hand... PHLLRTTPHLRTTPHLRTT! The bird broke loose from his hand and flew away! It had escaped from the cage! 



But we are still in a cage right now! How do we escape? As to human beings, you shouldn't think you are free. Don't misinterpret freedom, saying, "I am really free. If I want to eat, I eat; if I want to drink alcohol, I drink alcohol. I can do anything I please. I can ignore the rules if I want to! That's what I call freedom!" That's a misinterpretation of freedom. To be truly free, you must be free of birth and death, and then if you wish to fly into space, you can fly into space, and if you wish to burrow into the earth, you can burrow into the earth. If you can do that, you will gain the kind of freedom that the little bird gained.

十殿閻君 請師喝茶

那麼神光法師把印度來的和尚打掉了兩顆牙,這和尚也沒反擊他,以為這回是得到好處,勝利了,連外國和尚都打著了。可是打了外國和尚,這時,十殿閻君就來找 神光法師說:「法師,你的壽命今天該盡了,我們是十殿閻君,現在要請你去開會,喝喝茶,到那兒研究研究你的問題。」








The Yamas of the Ten Courts Invite the Master to Tea

Dharma Master Shen Guang knocked out two of that Indian monk's teeth, and since the monk didn't retaliate, the Dharma Master figured he had the advantage--that he'd won the victory. He'd put a barbarian monk in his place. But not long after he struck the barbarian, the Yamas of the Ten Courts paid a call: "Dharma Master, your life is supposed to end today. We Yamas from the Ten Courts now wish to invite you to a meeting. We will go there to investigate your case."

Hearing that, Dharma Master Shen Guang exclaimed, "What?" as he watched those ten black-faced people who claimed to be the Yamas of the Ten Courts approach him and request his presence in the dark yin realm where he was to take tea with King Yama. Dharma Master Shen Guang said, "Oh! What? I still have to die? I also have to die?"

The Yamas of the Ten Courts challenged him, "Why would you not have to die? What talents do you have that make you think you don't have to die?"

Dharma Master Shen Guang replied, "I speak Sutras so well that flowers rain down from the heavens and golden lotuses well forth from the earth; doesn't that qualify me as having ended birth and death? I still have to die?"

The Yamas of the Ten Courts said, "Of course you have to die!"

誰能不死 閻君亦拜

神光法師說:「那麼在這世界上誰能不死?世界上到底有沒有人生死了了?」 十殿閻君說:「有!世界上有了生死的。」







Even the Venerable Yamas Will Bow to
Whoever Is Free from Death

Dharma Master Shen Guang asked, "Who in this world is free from death? Is there anyone in this world who has really ended birth and death?"

"There is," the Yamas of the Ten Courts replied. "There's someone in this world who has ended birth and death."

"Who?" asked Dharma Master Shen Guang. "Please tell me so that I can follow him to learn the way to end birth and death."



The Yamas of the Ten Courts replied,   "Which one? He is the black-faced monk;


whose teeth you knocked out. He is free from death. King Yama has no control over him. Not only that, King Yama bows in respect to him every day!" 

Dharma Master Shen Guang replied, "Oh! He is a monk who has ended birth and death? Fine. I don't want to go with you yet. I want to go find that black-faced monk and follow him to learn the Dharma-door of ending birth and death. Could you wait a bit to take me away? Is that all right? I am determined to end birth and death! Could you speak to King Yama on my behalf to see if he can give me a little more time so I can go learn this Dharma-door?"

The Yamas of the Ten Courts replied, "All right. Since you are so sincere, what you ask is not beyond the realm of possibility. We can be expedient and agree to a compromise."

Well, they didn't drag him off to have tea with King Yama. You know, of course, that King Yama also enjoys a good cup of tea. You who like to drink tea should exercise some caution! Ha! Ha!

神光法師 赤足追祖


Barefoot, Dharma Master Shen Guang Races after the Patriarch

As soon as Dharma Master Shen Guang heard that the Yamas of the Ten Courts agreed to his request, he was so delighted that he even forgot to put on his shoes. So anxious was he to avoid King Yama that he raced barefoot after Patriarch Bodhidharma.


    創作者 澄德 的頭像


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