生死未了 惱羞成怒

達摩祖師說:「你教人了生死,生死怎麼了法?你所講的經,黑的是字,白的是紙,憑什麼教人了生死?你自己的生死了了沒有?」神光法師一聽,問得他也沒話說 了,心想:「咦!這個印度人講話很特別的,大約是魔王所現吧?要不然,怎麼這樣譭謗三寶?」於是就惱羞成怒,發了脾氣:「我要試試你這個魔王!」

Having Not Yet Ended Birth and Death,
His Annoyance Turns to Rage

Patriarch Bodhidharma said, "Since you teach people how to end birth and death, tell me, how does one end birth and death? In the Sutra you are lecturing, the inked areas are words, and the blank areas are paper. What do you use to teach people how to end birth and death? Have you ended your own birth and death?"

Hearing that, Dharma Master Shen Guang was speechless and thought to himself, "The things this Indian says are outlandish. Is he a manifestation of a demon king? Otherwise, how could he be slandering the Triple Jewel like that?" Thereupon, his annoyance turned to rage, and he lost his temper, "I'm going to try you out, you demon king!"

脾氣暴發 怒打祖師

哦!你看他講經講得天花亂墜,地湧金蓮,也一樣發脾氣!所以我就說似有似無嘛!發了脾氣怎麼樣呀?他就拿起他的武器;他的武器是什麼?就是一串念珠。他這 念珠,不是我這個星月菩提;我這個不太重,很輕。他那個念珠是用鋼鐵造的,又硬又堅固,是拿著當武器的,遇到什麼妖魔鬼怪、狼蟲虎豹,就拿這念珠打。




Once His Temper Flares, in His Rage,
He Strikes the Patriarch

Wah! You see, his lectures caused flowers to rain down from the heavens and golden lotuses to well up from the earth, and still he lost his temper! That's why I said Buddhism seemed to exist in China, and yet it did not. What happened when he lost his temper? What happened when he got angry? He grabbed his weapon. What was it? His string of recitation beads. His beads weren't lightweight like these "stars and moon Bodhi" beads of mine. His recitation beads were made of iron! They were hard and durable. His recitation beads were 


designed to be a weapon to be used in case he encountered weird entities, demons, ghosts, wolves, reptiles, tigers, or panthers. He could conveniently grab his recitation beads and attack. 

This time, encountering Patriarch Bodhidharma, who had dared to challenge him so, his wrath was extreme, like a combination of tidal wave, avalanche, and earthquake. As he whipped out his beads, he snapped, "You are slandering the Dharma!" and cracked Patriarch Bodhidharma across the mouth.

打落牙齒 和血而吞




到地上,那個地方就要天旱三年,不下雨。 達摩祖師一想:「噢!若三年不下雨,你說這要餓死多少人!我來度眾生、救眾生,這不是殺眾生嗎?」可是如果不吐到地上,這牙怎麼辦?於是,兩顆牙也捨不得 吐到地上,就把這兩顆牙像吃油餅似的,吞到肚裏去了;油餅沒有那麼硬,他就像吃骨頭似的,吃到肚裏頭去;然後就走了。


The Blow Breaks Teeth; 
He Swallows Them with the Blood

Patriarch Bodhidharma was caught unprepared because he never expected that Dharma Master Shen Guang would hit him. Although certified sages can penetrate others' thoughts, the Patriarch did not reflect in advance on what the Dharma Master might do. Although Patriarch Bodhidharma had some skill in the martial arts, he was caught off guard. It never occurred to him that the monk would make such a vicious attack, that being unable to reply, he would resort to brute force. As a result, the blow broke off two of Patriarch Bodhidharma's teeth.


What did Patriarch Bodhidharma do about the two broken teeth? Well, he was a sage, and there's a legend about the teeth of a patriarch--a certified sage--and what happens if they get broken and he spits them out onto the ground. It's said that if a sage's teeth are knocked loose and he spits them out on the ground, it won't rain for three years.

Patriarch Bodhidharma thought, "Ai! If it doesn't rain for three years, just imagine how many people will starve! I have come to China to save beings, not to kill them!" And so Patriarch Bodhidharma did not let his teeth fall to the ground. Instead, he swallowed them, just as if he were eating a pancake. Well, pancakes aren't that hard--it was more like eating a bone! He swallowed them and made his exit.

Therefore, in China, there is a saying that came from that incident, "If someone knocks out the teeth of an arhat, the arhat swallows them."

祖師忍辱 默然而去

神光法師把達摩祖師的牙打掉兩顆,覺得他這回真勝利了!這達摩祖師轉過身,也沒說什麼,就走了,也沒回打他兩下,沒有!外來的人被人欺負也就算了,雖然人 把他的牙打掉兩顆,也不能到政府那兒去告這個神光;出家人要忍辱嘛!況且他是個祖師,更應該忍辱!於是就向河南走去了。

Enduring the Insult,
The Patriarch Leaves Silently

Having broken off two of the Patriarch's teeth, Dharma Master Shen Guang felt that he had won a real victory. Without saying a word, Patriarch Bodhidharma turned around and left. He did not fight back. Not at all! Foreigners are bound to be bullied. After all, he couldn't go to the government and file suit against Dharma Master Shen Guang for knocking out two of his teeth. Those who have left home have to be patient; how much more must a Patriarch forbear! After that happened, he just left and headed toward Henan.

鸚鵡知音 問計出籠








這好像祕密的妙訣,這是祕密法,所以他說話沒有那麼大聲,我現在講得恐怕比達摩祖師說的聲音要大,他一定告訴那隻小鳥說:「出籠計,……這便是你出籠 計。」他一定是這樣講的,為什麼?他的聲音若是大了,會被旁人聽見,那這個方法就行不通了。所以你看這個小地方,這位祖師真是用心良苦呀!

A Parrot, Understanding Who He Is,
Asks How to Escape the Cage

On the road, he met a parrot imprisoned in a wicker cage. However, this bird was much more intelligent than the Dharma Master Shen Guang. Recognizing that Bodhidharma was a patriarch, the bird chirped,

He Who Intentionally came from the West
Intentionally came from the West, 
What method is best, if you please,
To escape this cage and leave?



Although Patriarch Bodhidharma hadn't been able to find any people who really understood who he was, this parrot definitely recognized him. He knew who he was. Hearing the bird's plea for help, Bodhidharma was pleased and taught the bird an expedient method--a provisional, not a real, Dharma. He said,

To escape the cage, to escape the cage;
Stick out both legs. Shut both eyes.
That is the way to escape from the cage!

It was a secret, wonderful formula--a secret Dharma. It's for sure the Patriarch whispered it. He didn't say it so loudly as I am speaking now! He certainly must have used a very small voice: "To escape the cage...that is the way to escape from the cage!" He spoke softly like that. Why? If he had said it out loud so that others could hear him, then the method would not have worked. From this we can see how much trouble the Patriarch took to be kind.


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