初到廣州 人見畏之

 達摩祖師先到廣州。廣州這些個小孩子,見到鬍子這麼邋遢的一個印度人,大家就好像看熱鬧似地圍著他。當時的中國人看不起外國人,叫印度人「摩羅剎」,說 這是摩羅剎來了,摩羅剎和尚。喊著:「摩羅剎!摩羅剎!我把你皮扒。」要扒他的皮,你看!就這麼罵達摩祖師。 達摩祖師也不知他們說什麼,因為不會中國話;話也聽不懂,語言也不通,來到這兒想要和這些小孩子親近親近,嗐!這些小孩子,一見達摩祖師,就發狂似地各處



Arriving First at Guangzhou,
He Is Feared by All Who See Him

Patriarch Bodhidharma went to Guangzhou first. When children there saw such a dark and bearded Indian, they surrounded him as if he were performing a street show. At that time the Chinese people were rather snobbish toward foreigners. They called Indians "Mo Luo Cha" (meaning devil, or devilish ghost). The Patriarch became Monk Mo Luo Cha. They even composed a rhyme that they chanted, "Devil! Devil! Skin you, I will." They wanted to skin him alive! See how Patriarch Bodhidharma was ridiculed and insulted?

However, Patriarch Bodhidharma could not understand what they were saying because he did not know Chinese. He didn't speak their language and couldn't communicate verbally with them. He wanted to befriend the children in that place, but as soon as they saw Patriarch Bodhidharma, they went crazy and scattered in all directions. They dared not to be near this Mo Luo Cha. Why? They were afraid of his long beard.


受盡毀辱 難度老少

大人呢?一看小孩子跑了,就以為這個印度人是來抓小孩子的,所以就更不讓小孩子接近他了。你看!不要說是度大人,他連小孩子都度不到,沒有人敢接近他。到 廣州是這樣,沒有什麼人認識這是一位祖師,所以在廣州也沒怎麼停留,就到了南京。這一路走到南京,沿途也有小孩子說:「喔!是個印度人!」就拿土塊打他。

Being Insulted Left and Right,
He Finds Both Adults and Children Difficult to Convert

When the adults saw that children ran away from him, they suspected this Indian was a kidnapper. So they bid their children to stay away from the Patriarch. He could not even convert children; how could he convert the grown-ups? No one dared to get close to him. That was the situation in Guangzhou; no one recognized that he was a patriarch. Consequently, he did not stay long in Guangzhou and moved on to Nanjing. While traveling on foot, he was also greeted by many children who yelled, "Ah! An Indian!" and threw clods of dirt at him.

梁王武帝 炫示功德

達摩祖師最初從廣州到南京,便去度化梁武帝。梁武帝就問:「我這一輩子造了很多廟,度了很多和尚出家;又拿國家的錢,布施給所有的窮人,也供僧,打齋供 眾。我這樣有什麼功德?」那時誰若出家,皇帝特別歡迎,什麼都供養你,吃的他也供著,住的他也供著;只要你出家,皇帝就供養你,恭敬你,向你叩頭。



來讚歎他一下,來給他戴幾頂高帽子。他怕達摩祖師不知道他造寺、度僧、布施、設齋的功德,不知道他這些好處,於是就自我介紹:「你看我,造了幾百處廟,又 有這個廟,又有那個廟,所有的廟裏都住了很多和尚,這些和尚都是我一手成就他們出家的。我又做了多少布施,供養多少僧,你說我這功德怎麼樣啊?」這個意思 就是自我介紹,自己說:「噢!你看我,我這個皇帝和其他皇帝是不一樣的;我這個皇帝是專門做好事的,做功德的。你說我有什麼功德呢?」他這不是想要求法了 生死,是先要炫示炫示自己的功德。

Emperor Wu of Liang
Boasts of His Own Merit and Virtue

When Patriarch Bodhidharma first arrived in Nanjing from Guangzhou, he went to convert Emperor Wu. Emperor Wu asked him, "In my whole life, I have built many temples, helped many people to leave the home-life, provided the needy with money from the national treasury, and also made vegetarian meal offerings to the Sangha. What merit and virtue have I created?" At that time, whoever left the home-life would be treated well by the Emperor, with everything including food, dwelling, and clothing provided for.

As long as you were a left home person, the emperor would make offerings to you, pay reverence to you, and bow to you. Emperor Wu was the kind of person who wanted to be number one in everything. That was why when he met Patriarch Bodhidharma, he didn't seek Dharma from him. Instead he was totally engrossed in how to win praise from the Patriarch. He wanted to inflate his ego. Concerned that the Patriarch might not know of the good deeds that he had done, such as building temples, converting monks, practicing giving, and making vegetarian meal offerings, he went ahead and pointed them out as he introduced himself to the Patriarch. 

He said, "You see, I have built hundreds of temples. This one and that one all house many monks whom I helped to leave the home-life. The amount of giving I have done is not small and the number of monks I have provided for is not small. How much merit and virtue would you say I've amassed?" Basically, he was providing his own promotion campaign. He was saying, "Look at me! I am different from other emperors. I specialize in doing good deeds, creating merit and virtue. How much merit and virtue would you say I have?" He did not want to seek the Dharma for ending birth and death; instead, he wanted to boast of his own merit and virtue first.


說有功德 實無功德

達摩祖師聽梁武帝這樣自我陶醉,自我介紹,自我炫示功德,自我賣廣告,自說自己有什麼什麼好處,自己讚歎自己。一般人聽皇帝這麼講,就會說:「啊!你有功 德,你的功德真大!你的功德是世界上沒有的。」一般人會這麼講;可是,一個聖人怎麼會說這種拍馬屁的話?達摩是個祖師,怎麼會有這種阿諛奉承的行為?所以 他一聽,就說:「實無功德!」實實在在沒有功德。




Actually He Had
No Merit and Virtue At All

Patriarch Bodhidharma listened to Emperor Wu of Liang praising himself as if drunk on his own ego, introducing himself, boasting of his merit and virtue, advertising for himself, calling attention to his own good points, and generally lauding himself. Most people, upon hearing the Emperor's comments, would have said, "Ah! Of course you have merit and virtue! You have tremendous merit and virtue! Your merit and virtue is out of this world!" That would be most people's response. Now I ask you, would a sage ever say things just to flatter someone? But Bodhidharma was 


a patriarch. How could he possibly flatter and fawn? And so he replied, "Actually you have no merit and virtue. In truth, no merit and virtue at all."

Patriarch Bodhidharma originally had gone there with the idea of saving Emperor Wu of Liang. However, Emperor Wu was too conceited; he had too high an opinion of himself. Being an emperor was already something, he thought. He had built many temples, enabled many people to leave home, given away a lot of money, and made a lot of offerings to the Triple Jewel. So, he thought he had created a tremendous amount of merit and virtue. Patriarch Bodhidharma, wanting to shatter the Emperor's attachment, said that he had no merit and virtue at all.

當面錯過 不識祖師

那麼說他沒有功德不要緊,但梁武帝當時一聽這話,就不歡喜了,所以就不睬這個達摩,達摩祖師再講什麼法,他也不聽了:「我何必要聽你講呢!」梁武帝因為業 障太重了,所以達摩祖師雖然是印度來的第一代祖師,可是他就當面錯過。中國人有句話說:「對面不識觀世音!」這梁武帝呢,他對面不識西來意,不認識西來的 祖師。




Meeting Face-to-Face, He Misses His Chance,
Failing to Recognize the Patriarch

For the Patriarch to say he had no merit and virtue was one thing, but for Emperor Wu of Liang to hear that was another, for it made him quite unhappy. From then on, the Emperor ignored Patriarch Bodhidharma. No matter what Dharma the Patriarch spoke, the Emperor refused to listen. "Why should I listen to you?" Emperor Wu's karmic obstacles were too heavy. Although Patriarch Bodhidharma came from India to become the First Patriarch of China, Emperor Wu of Liang failed to recognize him. He was face-to-



face and missed his chance. 

The Chinese people have a saying, "Coming face-to-face, one fails to recognize the Bodhisattva Who Contemplates the Sounds of the World." Emperor Wu of Liang was face-to-face and failed to recognize the One Who Intentionally Came from the West. He did not recognize the Patriarch who came from the West. Why did Patriarch Bodhidharma want to save him? He knew that the Emperor was going to encounter some difficulty, so he wanted to help the Emperor awaken. Had Emperor Wu been able to leave home and cultivate, or to yield his throne to someone else, he could have avoided the fate of starving to death.

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