43. 娑囉娑囉 
善巧方便度娑婆Wholesome and clever expedients save those in the Saha world.
示現五濁化群魔A display of five turbidities transforms hordes of demons.
常行無我波羅蜜Constant selfless practice will bring paramita.
離諸法執衍摩訶Renouncing attachment to dharmas as well is the Mahayana.

能觀之智所觀境The wisdom that contemplates and the states that are contemplated
圓融自在真如性Are perfectly fused and at ease in the Nature of True Suchness.
無邊誓願利眾生Boundless resolve and vows benefit all living beings.
不可思議常在定How inconceivable to be able to always reside in deep Samadhi!

萬物說法有誰聽When the many creatures speak the Dharma, who listens?
世界眾生妄想凝Worldly beings are formed by solidifying of false thoughts.
諸佛本源離文字The original source of the Buddhas is beyond the spoken and written word.
如是我聞大悲功“Thus I have heard” is the function of great compassion.
慈悲喜捨四無量Using kindness, compassion, joy, and giving, the four infinite minds,
示現善相化群萌She reveals wholesome aspects to transform the untaught masses.
攝受眾生登彼岸Gathering in beings, she helps them ascend to the other shore.
迴光返照歸故鄉Returning her light she shines it within and goes back home.
觀音示現醜惡形Contemplating Sounds may show up in an ugly evil shape
折服強暴改心靈 To restrain these stubborn and violent ones until they change their minds.
同證無生般若智When prajna wisdom is revealed, everyone certifies to nonproduction
還入娑婆度有情And enters again the Saha world to rescue sentient ones.
慈悲示現化惡人Kindly displaying a compassionate air, he transforms evil people,
得大安穩夢神清Who feel so secure that even in dreams their spirit is clear.
更獲福報無有盡The reward of blessings they attain is infinite and boundless as well.
菩提般若自行深Bodhi prajna arises from our own profound practice.
觀音示現龍樹尊Contemplating Sounds shows up as Venerable Dragon Tree,
普攝群機離火坑Who, gathering those who are ready, helps them leave the fiery pit.
返本還原成正覺Finding our way to the source is realizing proper enlightenment.
微塵剖出法界經The Sutra of Dharma Realm is unveiled from within a mote of dust.
項掛人頭念靈文Wearing a necklace of human skulls, he chants this mantra.
手執鐵矛日夜巡Wielding an iron spear, he makes his rounds day and night.
喚醒眾生行諸善He awakens beings to do every kind of good deed
苦海無邊莫沈淪And not to fall into boundless sea of suffering.
跋折囉杵鎮群魔The vajra pestle challenges the massive hordes of demons.
蓮華數珠念佛陀Using lotus blossom recitations beads is mindful of Amitabha Buddha.
雷聲驚醒癡迷者The thundering sound startles awake the dull and confused.
夢覺原來一字多Coming out of the dream, we find even one word too much.

息災增福妙吉祥Wondrous auspiciousness dispels disasters and increases blessings.
佛法僧寶放毫光The Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha Jewels emit brilliant light.
觀行一心無相禮Single-mindedly reflect and practice bowing that transcends appearances.
是大菩提化萬方Great Bodhi is what teaches and transforms beings everywhere.
美妙相好莊嚴身How exquisite are his hallmarks and supremely subtle physical aspects!
通達一切諸法門How thoroughly he fathomed and entered every Dharma door!
普度有緣生極樂He saves those with affinities, assuring them rebirth in Ultimate Bliss.
常寂光土真又真The Land of Stillness and Light is the truth within the true.
恆河沙數諸菩薩Bodhisattvas many as grains of sand in the Ganges River,
聳立鰲頭笑哈哈Poised atop a sea tortoise, chuckle, “Ho! Ho!”
法海汪洋無不度The abundant ocean of Dharma rescues absolutely everyone.
眾生與我離自他All beings and I leave self and others behind.
放大光明照世間When the massive bright light he emits shines on the whole world,
胎卵濕化離倒懸Those born from wombs, eggs, transformations, or moisture no longer hang upside down.
九界眾生成正覺Beings in the nine realms achieve Proper Enlightenment.
常樂我淨品自高How lofty Eternity, Bliss, True Self, and Purity are!
神通變化屬第一He is foremost in spiritual powers, as well as transformations and changes.
金錫杖救世間稀Truly rare is his golden staff which saves those in the world.
地獄眾生蒙恩受Beings in the hells all receive this rare kindness, and
離諸障難發菩提Are freed of obstacles and difficulties, resolving their mind on Bodhi.
隨類化現度諸天According with their kinds, he appears as various gods to rescue them.
同事利行接有緣By joining in their work, doing good deeds, he attracts those with conditions.
捨己為人真無我Ignoring himself for the sake of others, he is truly selfless.
誓願眾生成聖賢He vows that all beings will become worthy sages.
菩薩示現天女身This time around the Bodhisattva appears as a goddess,
因機逗教指迷津Bestowing the teaching for those who are ready and guiding the confused.
循循善誘誨不倦With gradual, gentle, and wholesome enticements, she instructs tirelessly.
慈悲平等攝群生Her kindness and compassion are fair and equal in gathering in beings.
消災免難除病魔Dispelling disasters and difficulties, purging demons of sickness-
寶鉢妙用不可說The wonderful functions of the Jeweled Bowl are quite inexpressible.
遂心滿願施無畏Fulfilling every wish we have, he bestows fearlessness.
揭諦揭諦娑婆訶Gate, gate, swo pe he
微塵相海無量身With manifestation as many as a sea of dust motes, he appears in infinite bodies.
六度萬行勤耕耘He diligently plows the field of the six perfections and myriad practices.
回小向大菩提果Turning from the Small and embracing the Great is the Bodhi fruit.
自度化他般若心Saving ourselves and teaching others is the prajna mind.
種因結果植善根Planting causes and reaping effects, one nurtures good roots.
了生脫死要自勤Ending birth and casting off death must be done by ourselves.
勇猛精進波羅蜜Work with courageous vigor to perfect the paramitas.
摩訶覺道妙行深The practice of Maha Enlightened Way is remarkably deep.
寶印手眼大菩薩The Jeweled Seal Hand and Eye of this great Bodhisattva
金斧劈破無明家And the golden ax shatter the root of ignorance.
一切有情煩惱斷All afflictions of sentient beings are completely cut off.
從地湧出寶蓮華A delicate lotus wells forth from the ground.
遊戲神通化三千He roams at ease, and his spiritual powers transform the universe.
芒鞋踏浪法無邊Clad in straw sandals, he strides atop the waves. How boundless his Dharma!
發海潮音驚迷夢His sound, like the ocean’s roar, awakens us from dreams and confusion.
懦夫立志貪者廉Cowards muster their will; the greedy become incorruptible.
化現藥王大菩薩Transforming and appearing as the Great Bodhisattva Medicine King,
除瘟滅疫救恆沙He expels disease and eradicates plagues, saving millions.
普令有情離疾苦Enabling beings to escape pestilence and leave suffering,
甘露遍灑含識芽His sweet dew is sprinkled on the sprouts of those with feeling and awareness.
觀行起修禮法王Through contemplative practice cultivation arises: homage to the Buddhas.
福慧莊嚴妙道場Blessings and wisdom make our Way-place adorned and magnificent.
若能證得深般若If we can certify to deep profound prajna then certainly,
度諸苦厄悟真常We can cross beyond all suffering, awakening to the eternal truth.
恆順眾生教娑婆Always complying with beings, he teaches those in the Saha land,
五濁惡世化群魔And the evil world of five turbidities, transforming demons.
沙裡淘金求賢渴Panning for gold in the sand, he searches ardently for sages,
水中撈月不疲輟Never wearying of trying to catch the moon in the water.
無字真經掛身邊With the wordless true Sutra hanging ever by his side,
智如大海定如山His wisdom matches the ocean; his Samadhi, a lofty mountain.
戒德圓明光遍照When precepts and virtue are perfected, clear light shines everywhere.
普攝群機度有緣Gathering beings in when they're ready, he saves those with affinities.

色身三昧現三千His physical body in Samadhi, he appears throughout the universe.
見相聞名脫無間Seeing his form, hearing his name, frees us from the hells.
了生大法登彼岸Fathoming life’s one great matter, we have made it across.
咸蒙攝受覺王前Thus all of us are personally gathered in by the Enlightened King.
修道行者莫自欺Cultivators of the Way, do not cheat yourselves.
掩耳盜鈴甚不宜It won’t work to plug your ears while stealing a bell.
開花難結真實果Barren blossoms cannot bear real fruit.
光陰空過太可惜What a shame to leave precious time pass by vain!
菩薩無事找工作 Having nothing to do, Bodhisattvas go looking for some work.
坐寶蓮華放光明As they sit on exquisite lotuses, their brilliant light radiates.
授諸眾生大覺記Bestowing predictions of full enlightenment on all beings,
圓滿涅槃證無餘They perfect Nirvana that is certified to be without residue.
天女散花供行人Heavenly goddesses scatter flowers as offering to practitioners.
嚴持戒律妙通神Our precepts and Vinaya held strictly, our spiritual powers superb—
更能迴光觀自在If we can then turn our light around and contemplate with ease,
不久當契大覺尊Before long we will tally with the Great Awakening of Honored Ones.
小中現大無礙身His body unhindered, the great appears within the small.
東西南北任縱橫His scope pervades north, south, east, west.
三千世界唯一念The three-thousand system of worlds is but a single thought.
你我他心不可分In no way can you, I, and others be separate from the mind.
禮拜供養要虔誠 When bowing and making offerings be earnest and sincere.
香花燈果日日新Incense, flowers, lamps and fruit should be fresh daily.
真心修行離諸相Cultivation using the true mind is apart from any marks.
三輪體空出迷津Making the three aspects of giving empty, we leave confusion.
千手千眼大慈悲A thousand hands, a thousand eye as well as great compassion
普化三界度眾回Change the whole world and bring us back across.
諸天魔王皆授首Kings among the heavenly demons accept this teaching.
改惡向善速來歸Turn from evil, become good, and so quickly return.
禮而未禮修無修Bowing without having bowed; practice with no concept of practice.
空泯所空有何求Realizing even emptiness is empty, what is there to seek?
看破放下真自在Seeing through it all and putting it down is true freedom.
逍遙法界任悠遊Roaming throughout the Dharma Realm we can do as we please.

真空為體幻色用With True Emptiness as his substance and illusory form as his function,
觀察世間救諸病He contemplates those in the world and saves them from sickness.
隨機感應難思議The responses that happen are timely and hard to imagine.
我等盲癡當皈命We blind and dull ones should certainly take refuge.
化身普賢徧三千Transforming and appearing as Universal Worthy who pervades all worlds.
跏趺座上法無邊He is seated in full lotus and ready with boundless Dharmas.
百寶輪掌破地獄His hundred-jeweled, wheeled palm smashes the hells.
阿彌陀佛住西天Amitabha Buddha is the Venerable Host of the Western Paradise.
法王長子文殊尊The eldest disciple of the Dharma King is the Venerable Manjushri.
慈心教化娑婆民Kindhearted, he transforms and teaches inhabitants of the Saha world.
同願證得無量智With identical vows, they certify to infinite wisdom.
常寂光土萬佛村The Land of Stillness and Light is the village of ten thousand Buddhas.
老曰五色使目盲Laozi said, “Five colors blind the eyes.”
觀音解眼悟真常Contemplating Sounds freed his eyes and awakened to the Truth.
金葉寶蓮毫光照Upon a golden lotus he radiates rays of light.
本來面孔非爺娘Our original face does not come from our worldly family or ancestors.
絲竹土革木石金Silk and earth, bamboo and hide, wood, stone and metal,
八音齊奏日日新Make eight notes that combine into endless scores of music.
解了耳根聞自性Freeing his ear organ, he heard his own nature.
天樂鳴空不動心Even heavenly melodies wafting through space will not move his mind.
受持讀誦妙靈文Receiving, upholding, reading, and reciting these miraculous phrases,
加被護念各行人Bestowing blessings is mindful and protective of everyone who practices.
三千世界皆示現Appearing in each world of the three thousand system,
觀音鼻根解味塵Contemplating Sounds’ nose freed itself of defiling smells.
持咒誦經專一心Hold mantras and recite Sutras with a single mind.
感應道交土變金When responses mesh with the Way, dirt can turn into gold.
菩薩慈悲水現月Bodhisattvas’ compassion: like the moon shimmering in water;
眾生覺悟離味根Living beings’ awakening: freedom from the tongue and flavors.
法界虛空天外天This is a place beyond any place in space and the Dharma Realm,
微塵剎海盡包含That contains seas of lands in number like motes of dust.
有緣無緣同化度Those with and without affinities will all be taught and saved.
信受奉行即聖賢Those who believe, accept, honor, and practice are saints and sages.
名曰大悲陀羅尼This, then, is called the Great Compassion Dharani,
四十二手世間稀And, with the Forty-two Hands, is extremely rare in the world.
善根廣積方能遇Only those with massive good roots encounter these.
不修此法太可惜What a shame it will be if we fail to cultivate this Dharma!

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